Joseph Cardinal Bernardin
Knights of Columbus
Council 12359
Joseph Cardinal Bernardin
Knights of Columbus
Council 12359
Related Websites
Bernardin Council's FACEBOOK Page
How to follow Bernadin Council on FACEBOOK
- US Supreme
- Ohio State Council
Thank you for visiting our Council's website. Please take the time to get to know us and consider joining us as a Knight or a participant in one of our activities.
Meetings - Third Tuesday of the month, Heritage Hall, Rosary 7PM, Meeting 7:30PM
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, 7800 Beechmont Ave, Anderson Township, OH
Thank you for visiting our Council's website. Please take the time to get to know us and consider joining us as a Knight or a participant in one of our activities.
Meetings - Third Tuesday of the month, Heritage Hall, Rosary 7PM, Meeting 7:30PM
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, 7800 Beechmont Ave, Anderson Township, OH
IHM Prayer Trail
With 17 different stops, the trail is unique to our Parish. A guidebook, compliments of the Bernaridn Council, is available in the Church's book rack & the Welcome Center.
IHM Prayer Trail
With 17 different stops, the trail is unique to our Parish. A guidebook, compliments of the Bernaridn Council, is available in the Church's book rack & the Welcome Center.
Bernardin Council Celebrates its 25 Anniversary
Receiving the award are our current & past Grand Knights.
Original Charter Members shown on the right.
Bernardin Council Celebrates its 25 Anniversary
Receiving the award are our current & past Grand Knights.
Original Charter Members shown on the right.
Winners Advanced to District Shootout at McNicholas High School District Winners Will Advance to the February 23 Regional Shootout
Winners Advanced to District Shootout at McNicholas High School
District Winners Will Advance to the February 23 Regional Shootout